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Currently reading

The Aeneid (Penguin Classics)
Virgil, David West, David Alexander West
A Little History of the World
Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich, Caroline Mustill, Clifford Harper
The Annals of Imperial Rome
Tacitus, Michael Grant
Red April - Santiago Roncagliolo, Edith Grossman This moved from a 2 to a 4 throughout the book although the choice of Chacaltana an extremely strange, possibly autistic and totally inadequate investigater changes this from a run-of-the-mill crime novel into something much finer. However, I find the the book difficult to read at times as his total inability to manage his life, investigate the terrible crimes and his naivety at dealing with the political realities of the times, make it uncomfortable reading rather than humorous - albeit black humour - which many people seem to have found it - But overall an original book that Im very glad I read.